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Initial Assessment

The initial assessment will be 1-1.5 hours long. During this time your practitioner will assess several motor functions (eye tracking, gross motor of the arm, pencil grip, posture and stamina) to best set goals for the Speller. There is also time set aside for CRP (communication regulation partner) training. This enables family or any other designated person to practice with the Speller at home.


Virtual Sessions

Virtual sessions are available if distance is an obstacle. We urge clients to start with an in person assessment and initial session, then transition to virtual sessions. These 25-50 minute sessions are conducted via Zoom, with the Speller, along with their family member or chosen CRP (Communication Regulation Partner) to hold the letter board and offer support.


Individual Sessions

Each family has the choice of 25 or 50 minute sessions. We encourage 50 minutes to get in as much practice as possible.  Your Speller will be read a lesson, one paragraph at a time, and asked corresponding questions pertaining to each paragraph. Your Speller will utilize the letter board to communicate their answers with increasing confidence as they develop this gross motor skill.


-Tutoring services offered


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Group Sessions

Our primary goal at Access S2C is to create a community of Spellers! Group sessions are a great way to meet peers, engage in sessions together, make new friends and spell together! The 50-minute group sessions will be facilitated by two practitioners and will usually consist of 2-5 Spellers. 



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